Somatic Dialogue & Release

Words Of Praise

Mindy blew me away.  She connected my mind and body, and removed energetic blocks that get in the way of clarity.

Julie Trestman, D.C.

Hi there! My practice was named Somatic Dialogue and Release in 2006 by one of my first clients. It got its moniker by doing what the name explains. I work in the hidden places, revealing your identity and life purpose that’s been muted by trauma stuck in your body. It’s a liminal process. As the core traumas are revealed, the betrayals, losses, and repeating patterns begin to make sense. We do an industrial strength overhaul of your hidden belief systems that took root alongside the trauma. Your prescribed identity falls away. You, the actual you, and your authentic life begin to emerge.

How it works: My practice combines Life Coaching, shamanic work, cranio sacral, and theta healing. I begin with an in depth discovery session of your core values, big visions, and habits of self sabotage. This lays a foundation for the somatic work, which employs cranio sacral and principles of BioGeometric integration (BGI) to identify points of disconnection in the body. From there, I use my clairvoyance to journey to the source moment where that disconnection occurred. We chat to help you digest my findings. Sometimes those moments of disconnection are way below the radar. Having had the story recognized, the body can release the trauma. We rewire the outdated belief systems as the trauma unwinds. Being held in the vision of one’s best life provides the inspiration to release the past.

If this sounds good to you, please contact me for an initial consultation.